In today's class, Ms. Kozoriz gave us a new unit called
Sound. We did a lab today about the sheet she gave us about making sound, and answered some questions about it. We did it with groups and predicted how sounds are produced with some of the objects we used like a ruler, a mallet and a tuning fork, and a cylinder with water. We made a sound with a ruler by putting the ruler at the table projecting it beyond the edge of the table and plucking it. We also made a sound to the tuning fork by smashing the mallet into it. Lastly, the cylinder with a water in different levels, by strongly blowing the top portion of the cylinder across it.
One last thing, she told us to read pages 3,4,5, and 6 in the new booklet called sound unit that she gave us in today's class.... So hope you all guys read it and have fun reading it.. :D
So the next scribe will be..... Flash3N