Friday, June 5, 2009
First and Second Right Hand Rules
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Gravitational Fields
Chapter 5 Review
1. 0.29 m/s^2
2. 5 kg
3. 22 x 10^
4. 145 N
5. -0.53 m/s^2
*note: During class I was preoccupied with trying to create an account for this blogger and did not notice the answers following question 5 were written on the back end of the classroom. I do not trust my own answers to post it here.
After answering and correcting the Chapter 5 Review, we were given the Electrical Field/Lines booklet and Chapter 21 Study Guide.
That is all.
Next scribe will be chosen in class tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Gravitational Fields
Here are the answers to the Bronco skydives sheet:
Circle the correct answers.
1) Most
2) a,b
3) d,e
4) still downwards
5) c,f
6) c,f
7) c
8) greater
a) a= 10 m/s²=
b) a= 6 m/s²
c) a = 0 m/s²
d) a = -2 m/s²
e) a = -10 m/s²
f) a = 0 m/s²
Here are the answers to the second sheet we were given. It's the sheet with the 7 problems.
1) Air resistance is equal to weight.
2) Air resistance to weight ratio is less for the skydiver.
Increase the surface area to make both terminal speeds equal.
3) Fnet = 25 N
Fnet = 10 N [ down ]
Fnet = 0 N
4) 100 N
5) As a skydiver falls faster and faster through the air, the net force decreases.
Acceleration decreases.
Reason: As she is falling through the air, there is an increase in air resistance.
6) She gains more speed in the first second of fall.
She gains more distance in the ninth second of fall.
7) We used the following free body diagram to answer this question.
After correcting the sheets we were given a hand out on Static Friction. We went over this hand out and were given out two review packages. If you weren't here today you should go see Ms. Kozoriz to get these sheets.
That was basically it for today's class.
Monday, May 25, 2009
May 25 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
gravitational fields
The Gravitational Field
A field is something that has a magnitude and a direction at every point in space. Gravity is a good example - we know there is an acceleration due to gravity of about 9.8 m/s2 down at every point in the room. Another way of saying this is that the magnitude of the Earth's gravitational field is 9.8 m/s2 down at all points in this room.
Gravitational field: g = F/m
where F is the force of gravity.
gravitational field
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today, we went through our Newton's Test, the answers are uploaded.
Also, we started our last unit, Gravitational Fields. We read the first two pages of the booklet (gravitational fields), that was given out yesterday.
Then, we got two more worksheets;
Chart of Gravitational Fields of Force Relative to Earth
1. Jupiter 26.10N/kg
2. Pluto 0.31N/kg
3. 3.72N/kg, 3.72m/s2
4. Uranus
5. Neptune
6. mercury
7. pounds/2.2 = your mass in kg.
your mass in kg multiplied by 9.8
8. 1/6 of your weight
9. 300 x 11.07 =3321N
10. 26.10m/s2
Force and Weight 13 - 1
1) - does not depend upon -the same -same -mass -weight -weight - weight - (fill in the blanks) 500 - 9.8N/kg
2) 500N, 500N, 500N, 500N
that's everything!
note: there is a test next week
next scribe is Ahmed
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Force Vectors
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Free-body diagram
- draw a sketch of the object completely removed from its physical surroundings. often the force vectors are drawn from a dot at the centre of the object.
- draw vectors representing the force acting on the object.
- do not include forces exerted on the surrounding by the object.
- when finding the net force acting on a object from a free-body diagram, use the rules for the vector addition.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Vector Ideas
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Today, Ms. Kozoriz is back!
We corrected the booklet (Appendix 3.8) that was given on Thursday.
The answers are uploaded.
Finally for the last twenty minutes of class, we started with another booklet, that was handed out yesterday by Ms Hall. We went through the first few questions. Please try to finish the booklet by tomorrow when we correct the whole thing.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
One Dimension Motion
positive, negative, positive
right, left
magnitude or size
positive, negative
time, velocity
straight, parallel
negative, vertical
position, position
position, velocity
positive, speed of light
the same, Eintein's
ms K also explained to us the relationships between graphs and velocity (can be found in the slideshow below)
after that, she gave us an ifo sheet, CONSTANT VELOCITY, and some practice sheets: MOTION: INTERPRETING POSITION-TIME GRAPHS and GRAPHING MOTION IN ONE DIRECTION.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15, 2009
In today's class we read pages 12-16 and filled in the supporting and counter argument columns on the wave model of light hand-out. We then answered questions 9-12 in The Nature of Light: Part 2 booklet. The answers to these questions and the previous sheet have been uploaded to the blog. Next, we read the information on Young's experiment starting on page 17 to page 20. For the remainder of class we worked on questions 1&2 on the Young's Experiment Problems sheet given to us today. These questions are due tomorrow!
I think I might have screwed up the order in which we did things. I apologize! I have a terrible memory. However, I am positive that this was all we did. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
**Our test on this unit will be on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13th, 2009
Today in class we corrected questions 1, 3 and 4 in the seperated question booklet of this unit handed to us last week.
(Corrected on the board:)
1. The color would different when it is being reflected because when the speed decreases the wavelength will be less.
3. Plauck's quantum hypothesis suggests that light comes in small bundles of energy called QUANTA. QUANTA is similar to Newton's idea that light consists of small particles.
4. We can learn that we must NOT BELIEVE a theory only on the basis that it comes from a famous person. There MUST be strong supporting evidence.
After correcting the questions, we read pages 8 to 11 and recieved a worksheet based on information you would have to fill out for one of the scientists.
Scientists and their measurements of speed are..
Galileo (1564 - 1642) 3.4 x 10^3 m/s.
Roemer (1644 - 1710) 2.0 x 10^8 m/s
Fizeau (1819 - 1896) 3.133 00 x 10^8 m/s
Foucault (1819 - 1868) 2.997 96 x 10^8 m/s
Michelson (1852 - 1931) 2.997 29 x 10^8 m/s
Today's Accepted Value 2.997 924 58 x 10^8 m/s
These scientists, beginning with Galileo and his first attempt, used their own methods to observe the speed of light.
The end!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
april 9, 2009
Scribe for Monday is Jenn
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Nature of Light Part 2
Monday, April 6, 2009
hah! i finally did a blog! =P
anywho, today we went over some questions. i dont know what sheet they were from cause i kinda wasnt paying attention because i was sooooo tired and cranky. But after those questions i paid attention to the graphs we worked on and the fact that we have a test tomorrow, Whooppy!
So for the test you gotta know the whole booklet on nature of light, or something like that. and understand how to find the slope of the graph and the formula used to express it.
I really dont know what else to write, im completely brain dead today due to the lack of sleep.
and i think Anna should scribe for tomorrow...i DO get to pick the next scribe right?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Nature of Light
Today in class we started off by finishing our lab worksheets we did on Monday and catching up on any work that we didn't complete. If you missed any classes, please see Ms.K and ask for any work that you missed.
If you were caught up with all the work Ms.K provided us with 3 worksheets. They included a Crossword Puzzle, Graphing Data Study Guide and a Graphing question sheet. Answer these questions by reading in the textbook.
Remember, spring break is coming up soon so dont get to lazy! You should review these worksheets or complete any incompleted work! And ask questions if need. Have an awesome spring breakkkk!
Renee to scribe for Thursday
Monday, March 23, 2009
Nature of Light
Hey guys!
We started today's class by going over Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 of the Grade 11 Physics: Nature of Light: Part 1 sheet, handed out last friday. Then we briefly looked at pages 8-10 in our Nature of Light booklets before doing a "super-fun" lab; as stated by Ms. K.
We were instructed to determine the diameter and circumference of 5-8 different lids, and then graph the data onto graph paper. We then used our results to answer the required questions. This lab should be completed and ready to hand in tomorrow! (Don't forget to label both axis and give your graph a title.)
There will most likely be a test on this unit after spring break, so make sure that you ask someone for help if don't understand something. How about Friday for the test?????
*Outstanding Concept maps are to be handed in IMMEDIATELY, if Ms.K will still accept them.
Next scribe is: whoever hasn't done it yet.I think Jon wanted to do it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Nature of Light
Today in class we went over the lab called "The Back Box". it was about guesing what is in the box by rolling it over and over. Mrs K gave as a sheet and we answer it by making observations, Inference(conclution) and diagram about The Black Box lab. We also got a worksheet in class today, which we have to do Exercise 1 & exercise 2 part. Remember "Concept Map" is due 2morrow. So that's all what we did in class 2day.
I think Mrs. K will choose the next scribe post in class.
Graffitti Exercise
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday's Class
1. longitudinal
2. pitch
3. 2.5
4. long
5. a) behind
b) 9 seconds
6. solids
7. 4 seconds
8 a) will not
b) every other push will oppose the motion of the swing
9. 220 hertz
10. slightly different frequencies
11. 4 hertz
12. 345.2 m/s
1. 344M/S
2. a) Velocity in wood: 4000m/s
b) Velocity in air: 340.4m/s
c) Wood is 12x faster
3. a) d=4.08 x 10^3m
b) d=4.16 x 10^3m
c) d=4.31 x 10^3m
d) d=4.01 x 10^3m
4. wavelength = 3.8 x 10^-3
5. d=640m
6. 13.3 Celcius
7. a) v=347m/s
b) v=323m/s
8) d=345m
Those are the answers for the two sheets from Monday's class. You should probably finish the two worksheets the Sub gave us today for tomarrows class because Ms.K will probably go over them.
Monday, March 9, 2009
in today's class we went over the vocabulary review.And also we read the yellow booklet from page 5 to 10. Mrs. K. told us to highlight some of the words because they were important. and tomorrow's class we have a lap if I am not mistaken. remember if you mist today's class checkout the answers for these questions below in the slideshow.
next scribe is Zaiza.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday class...!
I'm really sorry for posting late. First of all i came late in the class. I found students watching video about sound wave which was awesome. It was basically helpful because we learned lots of things that we didn't know before .We learn that at night time the frequency is lower than a day time, that why we hear people whispering from far away at night than a day time. It is one of thing that i was wondering. Later we wrote and handed in 5 to 7 things that we actually remember in the video.
Ms.Kozoriz handed back our tests and went over the answers, checking if anyone had any questions about it. For those of you who did well, congratulations and keep it up. I hope those who didn't do as well, they'll try their best next time!. Ms. Kozoriz putted up for me the answers for the test, but it wouldn't make much sense if you did miss Friday because you won't have your test in front of you. I would suggest getting your test from Ms. K when you can and then just compare your answers with someone in class if you have any questions about it. Ask your Friends or Ms. Kozoriz.
I don't really remember if we have homework, but I thing we'll correct lesson 15 vocabulary tomorrow.
Next scribe is Raya16
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
One last thing, she told us to read pages 3,4,5, and 6 in the new booklet called sound unit that she gave us in today's class.... So hope you all guys read it and have fun reading it.. :D
So the next scribe will be..... Flash3N
Monday, March 2, 2009
Checkout the answers for these questions below in the slideshow..
TEST in WAVES IN 2D is TOMORROW!! So, if you missed the class today, make sure to go over the blue booklet and review the worksheets she handed us on the past classes. The slideshow below will also help...
Also bring ur protractor :p
GOODLUCK^_ _ _ _^
Next SCRIBE is...John Curk...:))
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
TODAY, we just continued on with our lab work and we handed it in at the end of class!
****Please talk to Mrs. K if you missed the lab or any work! I CHOOSE ASHLEY A. TO SCRIBE NEXT!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday's class!
Today, Mrs. K started the day by going over the answers in the worksheet, Waves in Two Dimensions Unit: Reflection & Refraction given the day before, when they watched a video. The answers are posted in the blog, it is titled, "Waves2D". Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the video but you can just ask Mrs. K for further knowledge about the answers.
After that, she read some notes in "Waves in Two Dimension" from pages 7 to 9. In page 9, we learned that when the waves move from deep water to shallow water, their speed decreases, therefore, the wavelength of the waves must also decrease just like in our previous studies in "Waves in One Dimension", it stated that when a wave move from a fast medium to a slow medium, the transmitted wave moves slower and the wavelength decreases as well.
The notes, in my opinion, are hard to understand and they move from one topic to another pretty fast, so if you are confused about anything, just ask Mrs. K before tomorrow's class.
After reading the notes, she gave us a review paper about water waves moving from one depth to another, it is called, Water Waves Moving From One Depth to Another. (: and a worksheet, Waves in Two Dimensions - Assignment 1 that was supposed to be handed-in after the class but she said we can hand it in tomorrow and that pretty much covered the second half an hour of the class.
...and the next scribe will be yassin!
Tuesday & Wednesday!
On Wednesday, we got our tests back and corrected them. We also went through the two questions that were assigned the previous day. Afterwards, we watched a video and answered some questions on a handout given by Ms. K.
Oh! And the next scribe will be Jen-Jen!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday & Friday
I was supposed to scribe for Thursday, unfortunately, I was not there. Fellow students told me that we had an assembly, then did a worksheet that I dont know anything about. Please see Ms Kozoriz or anyone in the class for what we did.
We had a substitute, she gave us five minutes to review, and we wrote the test. I thought the test was easy.
We were not assigned any homework for the last two days of school before the long weekend. Hope everyone's having a good long weekend so far. See you all on Thursday! (dance people will be performing for the feeder school, both Tuesday and Wednesday, I think.)
The next scribe will be Pamela Gaza.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wave Interference and Principle of Superposition

Sorry if it is hard to read. As well we did wave problems in the book and did questions 2,5,7,11,12 and 14. The answers to these questions are already posted up on the blog by Ms K. Also, she gave us a Physics: Principles and Problem Crossword puzzle. If you don't have one ask Ms. K.
Right now for me Physics is some what difficult for me but hopeful I will get it.
For Reminders: We have an assembly tomorrow first period in the morning and our physics test will be on Friday.
So the next scribe will be.....Praisia.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
We then went to correct the work sheet Wave Characteristics. The answers to this work sheet should be on the slides. Since the slides were not posted yet, I'll give the answers. I'll only be posting the final answers since I'm unable to make the full equation.
1 a. 1.65m
1 b. 16.5m
2. 2.9m
3. 9.2 x 10^5 Hz
4. 12m/s
5 a. T = 8s
b. f = 0.125 Hz
c. 16 cm
d. 162m/s
We also corrected the Study Guide sheet and for those who missed the answers here they are:
Wave Interference:
- The speed of a mechanical wave does not depend on the amplitude or the frequency of the wave.
- It only depends on the properties of the medium.
- In a given medium, the speed of a wave with a large amplitude is equal to the speed of a wave with a small amplitude.
- In a a given medium, the speed of a high-frequency wave is equal to the speed of a low-frequency wave.
- When a wave reaches a boundary between one medium and another, the wave that reaches the boundary is called the incident wave.
- The wave that moves through the new medium is called the transmitted wave.
- Some of the energy of the incident wave moves backward from the boundary and is called the reflected wave.
- If the difference between the two media is small, most of the energy of the incident wave will be transmitted.
- If the difference between the two media is great, little of the energy will be transmitted.
- When a wave passes from a more dense to a less dense medium, the reflected wave is erect.
- When a wave is transmitted from one medium to another, the frequency of the wave does not change.
- The speed and the wavelength of the wave do change.
Superposition of Waves:
- When two or more waves move through a medium, each wave affects the medium independently.
- According to the principle of superposition, the displacement of a medium caused by two or more waves is the algebraic sum of the displacements caused by the individual waves.
- Constructive interference occurs when the wave displacements are in the same direction, and results in a wave with a(n) greater displacement.
- After the two pulses have passed each other, they have their original shape and size.
- Destructive interference occurs when the wave displacements are in opposite directions.
- If the amplitudes of the two pulses are equal but opposite, the displacement produced when the pulses meet is 0.
- If the amplitudes are unequal, destructive interference will not be complete.
Standing Waves:
- When two waves meet, a point in the medium that is always undisturbed by the wave is called a node.
- A node is produced by destructive interference.
- When two waves meet, the point int he medium where there is the greatest displacement is called the antinode.
- An antinode is produced by constructive interference.
- If the period of a wave is equal to the time it takes for the wave to travel to a fixed point and back, a(n) standing wave is produced.
- In this wave, the nodes and antinodes are stationary and the wave appears to be standing still.
We were given 2 worksheets to work on. Wave Superposition and Principle of Superposition, we were told Wave Superposition would be handed in. I've uploaded both worksheets onto to the blog.
Page 2
Page 1
Just click on the image and you should be redirected with a better view of the worksheet.
Next Scribe: aapuya
Monday, February 9, 2009
Test This Thursday!
Today in class the following worksheets were corrected:
- Frequency Worksheet
- Period & Frequency Problems
- Characteristics of Waves: Physics 30S
- Concept-Development Practice Page - Chapter 25: Vibrations & Waves [25-1]
- Vocabulary Review
- Chapter 14 Study Guide (Only corrected the first page - the rest will be handled in tomorrows class.)
Answers to the worksheets, which were given to us last week, are posted up and there is an upcoming test this Thursday, February 12, of Chapter 14: Wave Properties.
Note: On tests, it is very important to show all work when you are calculating for the uknown. The more work you show the more marks you'll get for each question.
A brand new worksheet was picked at the end of class. :)
NEW SCRIBE IS: randalls
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Scribe List
This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.
PAMpers _zhai03_ yassin traaaan | Jan jdeguzman | DakotaLee Flash3N |