Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gravitational Fields

The day begins with the looking over of the Chapter 5 worksheet. Students were requested to answer one of the 12 questions on the white board.

Chapter 5 Review
1. 0.29 m/s^2
2. 5 kg
3. 22 x 10^
4. 145 N
5. -0.53 m/s^2

*note: During class I was preoccupied with trying to create an account for this blogger and did not notice the answers following question 5 were written on the back end of the classroom. I do not trust my own answers to post it here.

After answering and correcting the Chapter 5 Review, we were given the Electrical Field/Lines booklet and Chapter 21 Study Guide.

That is all.
Next scribe will be chosen in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gravitational Fields

Today in class we went over the Falling and Air Resistance sheets that we were given yesterday.

Here are the answers to the Bronco skydives sheet:

Circle the correct answers.

1) Most

2) a,b

3) d,e

4) still downwards

5) c,f

6) c,f

7) c

8) greater

a) a= 10 m/s²=

b) a= 6 m/s²

c) a = 0 m/s²

d) a = -2 m/s²

e) a = -10 m/s²

f) a = 0 m/s²

Here are the answers to the second sheet we were given. It's the sheet with the 7 problems.

1) Air resistance is equal to weight.

2) Air resistance to weight ratio is less for the skydiver.
Increase the surface area to make both terminal speeds equal.

3) Fnet = 25 N
Fnet = 10 N [ down ]
Fnet = 0 N

4) 100 N

5) As a skydiver falls faster and faster through the air, the net force decreases.
Acceleration decreases.
Reason: As she is falling through the air, there is an increase in air resistance.

6) She gains more speed in the first second of fall.
She gains more distance in the ninth second of fall.

7) We used the following free body diagram to answer this question.

After correcting the sheets we were given a hand out on Static Friction. We went over this hand out and were given out two review packages. If you weren't here today you should go see Ms. Kozoriz to get these sheets.

That was basically it for today's class.

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25 2009

Today in class we went over the two sheets ms.k gave to us on friday. One of the sheets answers are below this blog. The other sheet we did on the white boards. You will have to see someone in class for the answers for that sheet. today Ms.K gave us two more worksheets, she asked that they are to be finished for tomorrow's class so we can correct both of them in class. That's all we did today. Oh i forgot question 9 and 10 on the second sheet had to be handed in today. So that's it!!!!!!

Accelerated Motion Problems

Thursday, May 21, 2009

gravitational fields

hey everyone!

The Gravitational Field
A field is something that has a magnitude and a direction at every point in space. Gravity is a good example - we know there is an acceleration due to gravity of about 9.8 m/s2 down at every point in the room. Another way of saying this is that the magnitude of the Earth's gravitational field is 9.8 m/s2 down at all points in this room.
Gravitational field: g = F/m
where F is the force of gravity.

gravitational field

hey everyone 
in today's class we did a lab on gravitational field. Mrs.K handed back our labs and our assignment on Force-Vector Diagram. Mrs. K didn't  go over the assignment that she handed back. But the beginning of the class we did weight and the formula of the weight is f=mg, f=mg+ma and f=mg_ma. my advice to all of you is that if you want to be successful in this world, always to kind and generous to everyone. thank you.

  next scriber will be ............................................................

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


hello =)

Today, we went through our Newton's Test, the answers are uploaded.
Also, we started our last unit, Gravitational Fields. We read the first two pages of the booklet (gravitational fields), that was given out yesterday.
Then, we got two more worksheets;

Chart of Gravitational Fields of Force Relative to Earth
1. Jupiter 26.10N/kg
2. Pluto 0.31N/kg
3. 3.72N/kg, 3.72m/s2
4. Uranus
5. Neptune
6. mercury
7. pounds/2.2 = your mass in kg.
your mass in kg multiplied by 9.8
8. 1/6 of your weight
9. 300 x 11.07 =3321N
10. 26.10m/s2

Force and Weight 13 - 1
1) - does not depend upon -the same -same -mass -weight -weight - weight - (fill in the blanks) 500 - 9.8N/kg
2) 500N, 500N, 500N, 500N

that's everything!
note: there is a test next week
next scribe is Ahmed

Newton Test

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Force Vectors

I'm really sorry for posting late. First of all I came late in the class. I think Mrs.K handed out WORKSHEET: NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION and THE PRACTICE: FORCE VECTORS ASSIGNMENT. We went over THE PRACTICE:FORCE VECTORS, it was #1-3 but we omit #2&3. If you didn’t correct THE PRACTICE: FORCE VECTORS please check the slide that Ms. Kozoriz putted up for me. I forget to say that we handed in the FORCE-VECTORS DIAGRAMS it was due today.

I don’t really know if this is our homework, but it looks like

next scribe is Dakotalee

Force Vectors

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Free-body diagram

 at the beginnig of today's class Mrs.K asked us to hand in our labs for thoseof us  who didn't finished it yesterday. after that Mrs.K  handed out some work sheets on free-body diagrams. Free-body diagram is a diagram that represents an object and all the forces acting on it. and one important thing to always remember is
  • draw a sketch of the object completely removed from its physical surroundings. often the force vectors are drawn from a dot at the centre of the object.
  • draw vectors representing the force acting on the object.
  • do not include forces exerted on the surrounding by the object.
  • when finding the net force acting on a object from a free-body diagram, use the rules for the vector addition.
Force of gravity is a long-range force due to gravitational attraction between two objects, generally Earth and an object.
Force of thrust is when a general term for the force that move onjects such as rockets, planes, cars and people.
Force of tension is when the pull exerted by a string rope, or cable are attached to a body and pulled taut.
Force of spring is when a restoring force , that is, the push or pull a spring exert on and object.
Normal Force is the contact force exerted by a surface on an object.
Force of friction is the conact force that acts to oppose sliding motion between surfaces.
don't forget that we have homework and is due tomorrow.

Next Scriber is Yassir

Freebody Diagrams

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


On friday Mrs K handed out two work sheets and chapter 4 study guide and we basically did work throughout the whole class. I'll provide more info on the worksheets tomorrow because I forgot my binder in my locker. SORRY BLOG HEADS!