Thursday, March 26, 2009

Significant Figures

Graphing Assignment

Nature of Light

March 25 , 2009

Today in class we started off by finishing our lab worksheets we did on Monday and catching up on any work that we didn't complete. If you missed any classes, please see Ms.K and ask for any work that you missed.

If you were caught up with all the work Ms.K provided us with 3 worksheets. They included a Crossword Puzzle, Graphing Data Study Guide and a Graphing question sheet. Answer these questions by reading in the textbook.

Remember, spring break is coming up soon so dont get to lazy! You should review these worksheets or complete any incompleted work! And ask questions if need. Have an awesome spring breakkkk!
Renee to scribe for Thursday

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nature of Light

Monday, March 23/2009

Hey guys!

We started today's class by going over Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 of the Grade 11 Physics: Nature of Light: Part 1 sheet, handed out last friday. Then we briefly looked at pages 8-10 in our Nature of Light booklets before doing a "super-fun" lab; as stated by Ms. K.

We were instructed to determine the diameter and circumference of 5-8 different lids, and then graph the data onto graph paper. We then used our results to answer the required questions. This lab should be completed and ready to hand in tomorrow! (Don't forget to label both axis and give your graph a title.)

There will most likely be a test on this unit after spring break, so make sure that you ask someone for help if don't understand something. How about Friday for the test?????

*Outstanding Concept maps are to be handed in IMMEDIATELY, if Ms.K will still accept them.

Next scribe is: whoever hasn't done it yet.I think Jon wanted to do it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nature of Light

Hi everyone
Today in class we went over the lab called "The Back Box". it was about guesing what is in the box by rolling it over and over. Mrs K gave as a sheet and we answer it by making observations, Inference(conclution) and diagram about The Black Box lab. We also got a worksheet in class today, which we have to do Exercise 1 & exercise 2 part. Remember "Concept Map" is due 2morrow. So that's all what we did in class 2day.

I think Mrs. K will choose the next scribe post in class.

Graffitti Exercise

In today's class, we had to read from page 1 to 7 in the green booklet "Nature of Light". After that, 3 students were assigned in one group and had to give examples for a the following question on a coloured paper and switch to another group to answer another question in every two minutes. Students switched papers about three times and Mrs. Kozoriz went over to the head board and put all of the answers that was written on the coloured paper. Nearly end of the class we were assigned to do an assignment which will be due on friday called "Concept Map" I hope that you can understand what I'm trying to say.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday's Class

In today's class we had a substitue for Ms.K. He went over the two worksheets that Ms.K gave us during Monday's class. they are Concept And Developement Practice Page 26-1 and Unit 1.3 Sound. I'll give the answers below. the substitute gave us two more work sheets. one is a word search and the other is called Sound Waves.



1. longitudinal
2. pitch
3. 2.5
4. long
5. a) behind
b) 9 seconds
6. solids
7. 4 seconds
8 a) will not
b) every other push will oppose the motion of the swing
9. 220 hertz
10. slightly different frequencies
11. 4 hertz
12. 345.2 m/s


1. 344M/S
2. a) Velocity in wood: 4000m/s
b) Velocity in air: 340.4m/s
c) Wood is 12x faster
3. a) d=4.08 x 10^3m
b) d=4.16 x 10^3m
c) d=4.31 x 10^3m
d) d=4.01 x 10^3m
4. wavelength = 3.8 x 10^-3
5. d=640m
6. 13.3 Celcius
7. a) v=347m/s
b) v=323m/s
8) d=345m

Those are the answers for the two sheets from Monday's class. You should probably finish the two worksheets the Sub gave us today for tomarrows class because Ms.K will probably go over them.

Monday, March 9, 2009


hi everyone.
in today's class we went over the vocabulary review.And also we read the yellow booklet from page 5 to 10. Mrs. K. told us to highlight some of the words because they were important. and tomorrow's class we have a lap if I am not mistaken. remember if you mist today's class checkout the answers for these questions below in the slideshow.

next scribe is Zaiza.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Friday class...!

Hi everyone
I'm really sorry for posting late. First of all i came late in the class. I found students watching video about sound wave which was awesome. It was basically helpful because we learned lots of things that we didn't know before .We learn that at night time the frequency is lower than a day time, that why we hear people whispering from far away at night than a day time. It is one of thing that i was wondering. Later we wrote and handed in 5 to 7 things that we actually remember in the video.

Ms.Kozoriz handed back our tests and went over the answers, checking if anyone had any questions about it. For those of you who did well, congratulations and keep it up. I hope those who didn't do as well, they'll try their best next time!. Ms. Kozoriz putted up for me the answers for the test, but it wouldn't make much sense if you did miss Friday because you won't have your test in front of you. I would suggest getting your test from Ms. K when you can and then just compare your answers with someone in class if you have any questions about it. Ask your Friends or Ms. Kozoriz.

I don't really remember if we have homework, but I thing we'll correct lesson 15 vocabulary tomorrow.

Next scribe is Raya16

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In today's class, Ms. Kozoriz gave us a new unit called Sound. We did a lab today about the sheet she gave us about making sound, and answered some questions about it. We did it with groups and predicted how sounds are produced with some of the objects we used like a ruler, a mallet and a tuning fork, and a cylinder with water. We made a sound with a ruler by putting the ruler at the table projecting it beyond the edge of the table and plucking it. We also made a sound to the tuning fork by smashing the mallet into it. Lastly, the cylinder with a water in different levels, by strongly blowing the top portion of the cylinder across it.

One last thing, she told us to read pages 3,4,5, and 6 in the new booklet called sound unit that she gave us in today's class.... So hope you all guys read it and have fun reading it.. :D

So the next scribe will be..... Flash3N

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hi we went over the answers to the review sheet and a couple of questions from the blue booklet, WAVES IN 2D,#12 and #13...

Checkout the answers for these questions below in the slideshow..

TEST in WAVES IN 2D is TOMORROW!! So, if you missed the class today, make sure to go over the blue booklet and review the worksheets she handed us on the past classes. The slideshow below will also help...
Also bring ur protractor :p

GOODLUCK^_ _ _ _^

Next SCRIBE is...John Curk...:))

Waves in Two Dimensions Review